The Impact of Logistic Services on Building A Good Brand Image

Jul 06 2021 by Hock Cheong

The Impact Of Logistic Services on Building A Good Brand Image


If your business deals with selling products and services, you need the means to deliver these precious goods to customers and clients. Specifically, if the product or services are marketed online where you promised a specific timeline, then you need a way where the items move from one point to another fast. How? Well, through specific logistic solutions and same-day delivery services in Malaysia.


What is logistics?

Logistics is the comprehensive control of complicated procedures of delivery. It is the procedure through which items and supplies successfully cross a geographic location to reach another. Sometimes that area is a storage facility, and then in more important business cases, it could be a city, a country or even a continent.


Logistics likewise refers to inter-company activities. Primarily, if a business is having a problem obtaining materials or tracking their goods to a certain point, then that company has logistical trouble. They may hire third-party logistics like Hock Cheong to handle their shipments effectively and affordably. 


However, numerous businesses make the mistake of believing they can deal with these tasks themselves, and it winds up being more expensive and much less efficient. If you are a small business, look at the bigger picture, and let the pros take care of this for you.


Why? Because logistics services are the lifeline of your operations. It is like the veins that lug the blood in your body from one organ to another.


It’s a small thing, something we do not commonly consider, yet it is vital to the company’s survival. The effectiveness of the traffic flow of supplies and items is essential to any eCommerce business.


So how can it help you build a good brand image?

The answer is on-time deliveries.


When you’re running an eCommerce service, something you require to solve is quick distribution. Consumer’s needs and demands have transformed dramatically, especially this time of a pandemic when the majority of the target market is currently anticipating a quick, reliable same day and or last-mile delivery service.


If you’re looking for ways to enhance your customer relationship and service, paying importance to your shipping services is crucial. You surely do not want to promise a certain ETA to your customers and then have mediocre logistics services fail you, right?

Consumers today have a lot of options when it comes to receiving the goods they get online. It has led to a total change in mindset in the direction of how shipments need to work. Same day delivery services in Malaysia aren’t simply a perk anymore. They’re expected of you. So, if your organisation isn’t providing delivery alternatives, you may be losing existing and potential customers.


Distribution and on-time deliveries are the last impressions a customer has of your company. So, if they experience trouble, it’s going to leave them with an adverse view of your brand, and you would not be hearing from them again.


You would lose customers and clients! So choose your third party logistics carefully!


Remember that customers and clients are the most important factors in eCommerce companies, and consequently, customer satisfaction should be the primary concern in everything you do. It is no different when giving the last-mile delivery service. Clients want interaction from the start of their shopping experience until the parcel reaches their doors.


In online shopping, your credibility is everything. When you offer a poor-quality shipment service, it’s going to have an adverse impact on your online reputation. Social media sites enable consumers to vent their rage, so guaranteeing you won’t fail with your delivery solution is as crucial as ever. Even if simply one consumer writes an unfavourable review about your supposedly same-day delivery in Malaysia, it’s going to tarnish your brand, and people would trust you less.


Choose the third party logistics that delivers

Each logistical error or problem might create a hold-up in the company receiving their item. When delays are unforeseen and not determined correctly, your customers would already feel the frustration and hold it against you. You cannot say that it is not your fault because it is. You are your logistic services.


In this world of eCommerce, should there be any troubles along the way, the least you could do is update the customers in real-time.


In short, a firm’s ability to deliver their products on schedule equates to customer satisfaction, which is, in turn, would lead to the probability of repeated transactions and also customer recommendations. In simpler terms, ROI.

The more reliable your logistics, the more cash you can make, so let reliable third party logistics like Hock Cheong help you today. Contact us and let us get started!


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